Saturday, April 19, 2003

Letter to Gene Simmons

I read on Miguel's log a statement by Gene Simmons (KISS frontman). I felt like responding to it because Gene has a letters section on his home page. I post my resonse here as well.

Hello Gene, I just read your statement about Saddam and the Iraq war. (I read it on a weblog).
What will be done if the Iraqi people elect an ayatola regime similar to that in Iran? From the protests currently held in Iraq that seems likely to me.
You know, I am from Germany and I agree that going to WW2 was the right thing to do for the US. Hitler needed to be removed from power. I am grateful that this happened and I understand why you are grateful as well. My question is, if America may go to any other war now and in the future because they did the right thing in WW2?
You say America is not interested in ruling other countries. Generally I agree to that. However, it seems to be interested in WHO rules HOW in the case of countries where America has a national interest in. Why does America support some dictatorships and fights others? Why does it leave most dictatorships alone, neither supporting nor fighting them?
I am not saying America should be the world police mingling in every conflict on this planet. I just don't like the fact that it behaves like world police only when national interest is involved at the same time selling it as an unselfish well-spirited strive for a better world.

In my opinion neither France nor Russia nor the US administration cared for the Iraqi people, they cared for oil. For Russia and France it was easier to get the oil with Hussein in power, for the US it is easier to get it with a new regime. That is a clear interest, it is understandable to persue it even if we don't like it.

Germany has the most ridiculous role in this conflict, I guess. Cos our chancellor cried pacifism for fear not to be reelected. After he won the election he needed to maintain this position in order not to be called a liar. It seems like everyone has an agenda of economic interest in this conflict. Germany however is playing big politics without the chance to gain anything.
Personally, I didn't like this war. Mainly for three reasons.
1. I don't think that international terrorism will be weakened, instead it may be strengthened if Arabic nations regard the US as conquerers and not as liberators.
2. I am afraid that democracy in Iraq will not be successful. Instead an islamistic authoritarian regime may be installed (similar to Iran), probably as oppressive as Saddam's regime.
3. The war was a "pre-emptive" strike. That is a dangerous precedent. India may strike pre-emptively against Pakistan, for example. If America does it, why shouldn't anyone else be doing it? This war makes it easier for war-mongers all over the world to argue pro-war. If we just stay with the India-Pakistan example, a nuclear war may be ahead of us.

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