Thursday, October 21, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11

Well, I finally got to watch Fahrenheit 9/11 tonight. I had mentioned in an earlier post that Michael Moore might influence the election but I am not so sure about that anymore.

I have to say, the movie transports its message in a very powerful fashion. However, I am not the one Moore was trying to convince. I am an outsider, a foreigner, a German living in Germany. What good does it do that I know that there where no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and that no link could be found between Saddam and Al-Qaeda?

The American public ought to have been convinced by this movie but obviously it wasn't. President Bush may very well be re-elected. Or maybe the public even acknowledges that it was being lied to but doesn't think that Senator Kerry would be any better.

This film is meant to drive Bush out of office. It is propaganda. Is it bad because of this?
I think Fox News is as one-sided. Propaganda goes both ways.

Anyway, so many people talked about this movie, praising it, denouncing it... in the end it won't make a difference. The DVD release probably was meant to boost the Democratic Candidate Kerry. I don't know whether it does. But I guess the impact of the film on the election could have been greater if it had been released only one or two months prior to the election.

Good thing though it wasn't released on September 11th. That would have appeared tasteless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Farenheit 9/11 is propaganda worthy of Leni Riefenstahl. Check out this link detailing its deception:
